Monday, February 4, 2008

Starting Out...Golf: a summer sport?

I am starting this blog for my JN2053 Module- The Digital Newsroom. The blog will focus on golf.

To me, golf is something that interests me when the football season is over, the sun is shining, and my skin is of a pale shade. There's nothing quite like a summer's day stroll around a golf course. The moment it gets a little chilly, however, I revert back to football.
I'm a fairly decent golfer, and could hold my own on a 16 handicap. I can drive a ball pretty straight, and have been known to reach the 300 yard marker on occasion.
The problem is simply, consistency. It's the typical golfer's problem, 2 shots perfect, 1 shot fluffed. The potential is there, but I'm not quite at Tiger's level just yet.

Doing a sports journalism degree, it is key to have more than one sport to call upon. I am an avid Spurs fan, and am very passionate about football. But I have always been interested in other sports such as golf, along with cricket, tennis, badminton, snooker, and more recently futsal.

However, I need to broaden my horizons, and start to extend my knowledge of these sports further. Hopefully this blog will enable me to investigate and explore the wonderful world of golf and all its glory.


wilip said...

Very impressive i look forward to reading more sam

Daniel Smith said...

Sounds delightful. Keep up the top blogging Samuel.